Your credit report can make or break your financial future. Getting a home loan or lease on an apartment, how much you pay for auto insurance, whether you’ll land that new job — all can be affected by your credit report. But credit reports are often filled with errors, and those mistakes can cost you dearly.
The major credit bureaus allow you to check your credit report every week for free through Sign up for the Credit Check-up project organized by Consumer Reports and Work Money and then tell us about any problems you found so we can hold the credit bureaus accountable!
Your credit report can make or break your financial future. Getting a home loan or lease on an apartment, how much you pay for auto insurance, whether you’ll land that new job — all can be affected by your credit report. But credit reports are often filled with errors, and those mistakes can cost you dearly.
The major credit bureaus allow you to check your credit report every week for free through Sign up for the Credit Check-up project organized by Consumer Reports and Work Money and then tell us about any problems you found so we can hold the credit bureaus accountable!
In 2021, nearly 6,000 consumers volunteered to check their credit reports, and share what they found with Consumer Reports. The results were shocking: more than a third found mistakes, including wrong names, unrecognizable accounts or accounts mistakenly in default. And some consumers told us they had trouble accessing their credit report, or were charged, even though law requires credit reports be available for free once a year.
The three credit reporting agencies have immense power over your finances. Yet our findings show they aren’t being held accountable for the damage mistakes on credit reports can cause. Together, let’s change how Equifax, Experian, and Transunion do business, so consumers like you are protected from credit report errors!
Sign our petition now demanding that the three credit bureaus ensure credit reports are fair and accurate and free of credit-damaging errors. Together we can change the credit system so it works for you — not against you!
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