Tell EPA to finalize strong limits NOW on ‘forever chemicals’
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A new round of water testing by Consumer Reports in Mississippi has again found widespread contamination of toxic ‘forever chemicals’ PFAS in drinking water. Nearly every water sample tested in Mississippi had measurable amounts of PFAS, mirroring what we found across the country in 2020.
The EPA proposed stringent standards to limit the amount of some PFAS in our drinking water in March – but these rules are winding through the federal bureaucracy and have yet to be put in place. The wait for safer drinking water has taken too long: Tell the EPA to finalize and enforce limits NOW on all PFAS chemicals in our drinking water!
Recent testing by Consumer Reports in Mississippi has again found widespread contamination of toxic ‘forever chemicals’ PFAS in drinking water – mirroring 2020 test results of tap water across the country. We’re asking the EPA to immediately finalize and enforce limits on all PFAS chemicals in our drinking water. This strong limit will go a long way toward improving public health, and increasing pressure on manufacturers, industry and the military to stop using these ‘forever chemicals’ that contaminate the nation’s drinking water.