Tell Automakers: Fix front-end blind zones!

Drivers unknowingly hit people directly in front of them


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Pickup trucks and SUVs dominate our roadways. And as these vehicles grow in popularity and size, so does the risk to people around them when drivers unknowingly hit people directly in front of them because of blind zones just past the hood.

The auto industry has the ability to tackle this glaring problem with lower hood heights and technology like pedestrian detection or cameras. But in the majority of pickups and SUVs, they haven’t! Join with us in calling on automakers to make safety their top priority and fix front-end blind zones now.




We are calling on your company to address front-end blind zones in your SUVs and pickups to prevent drivers from unknowingly hitting people directly in front of them because of blind zones just past the hood. Pedestrian detection sensors, improved visibility over hoods, and cameras can all help to prevent these senseless tragedies, which killed 526 people in 2020 alone. The technology exists right now to fix this problem and is already in some luxury models – it is time your company commits to including it in all the SUVs and pickups you sell, and not as a luxury option.