This event featured an amazing panel of experts sharing steps that we can take together to address the impacts of climate change.
Here is a PDF copy of the slide deck.
There were many links and resources shared over the course of the event, providing more detail about the inspiring work our panelists are conducting to address this issue. The following is a rundown of those resources:
Alexandra Grose
Senior Policy Counsel, Sustainability Policy, Consumer Reports
Presentation Starts @ 3:14
Caitlin Sanford
Co-President, Climate Action Rhode Island
Presentation Starts @ 7:53
Kyra Naumoff Shields
Bright Cities Program Director, Healthy Babies Bright Future
Presentation Starts @ 17:08
Sustainable Purchasing tools for anyone to use, including:
Rachel Cleetus
Policy Director, Union of Concerned Scientists
Presentation Starts @ 25:31
Jasmine Gil
Associate Senior Director, Think 100%, Hip Hop Caucus
Presentation Starts @ 33:50
Stephone Coward II
Justice Paid in Full Campaign Director, Hip Hop Caucus
Presentation Starts @ 41:01
Thank you again!