Support Cleaner Cars, Cleaner Air
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Minnesota’s governor wants to clean up the air and lower residents’ fuel bills by adopting rules that will make cars and trucks more fuel-efficient, and give consumers more choice when it comes to electric vehicles.

But the White House is trying to weaken fuel-efficiency standards and block states from doing more to cut auto emissions. Sign on in support of Minnesota’s right to lower pollution and help residents save money -- and show Washington DC that consumers really do want cleaner, more efficient vehicles!

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Minnesota’s governor wants to clean up the air and lower residents’ fuel bills by adopting rules that will make cars and trucks more fuel-efficient, and give consumers more choice when it comes to electric vehicles.

But the White House is trying to weaken fuel-efficiency standards and block states from doing more to cut auto emissions. Sign on in support of Minnesota’s right to lower pollution and help residents save money -- and show Washington DC that consumers really do want cleaner, more efficient vehicles!