Made with olive oil

Stan from Illinois found this label, and sent it to use because “The label prominently displays "with olive oil" but the ingredients list indicates the product contains more soybean oil than olive oil.


Charlotte says:

This is a great find, Stan! The front of the label claims “with olive oil,” and shows us an image of olives, but the ingredients list reveals that olive oil is actually not the primary type of oil used-- soybean oil appears first.

The FDA has no requirement that a claim like this can only be made if olive oil is the only or majority type of oil used. That's why your best bet is to always check the ingredients list to determine whether the claim on the front really means what it implies. The ingredients have to be listed in order of predominance by weight, which is a federal requirement.  .

So, does the type of oil in this Mayo matter? It depends on what you're looking for. You may have heard about the health benefits of a Mediterranean diet—one feature of which is using olive oil instead of other types of fats like butter or soybean oil. Considerable evidence exists that a Mediterranean-style dietary pattern promotes health, and the primacy of olive oil likely plays into that.

This brand may be emphasizing "Made with Olive Oil" to capitalize on the buzz around the Mediterranean diet. But since soybean oil is the primary ingredient, it's more of a marketing ploy than an honest claim.

It’s always a good idea to read the ingredients list, especially when you see an enticing “made with” claim on the front. Ingredients have to be identified by their common or usual name, and are listed in order of predominance by weight.