Fight Georgia Power’s fee hike
An 80% increase: WTFee?!

The state’s Public Service Commission has the power to stop Georgia Power’s outrageous 80 percent increase in its monthly ‘fixed’ fee. But unless Commissioners hear from consumers, they may think hiking the monthly fee to $17.95 is just fine by you. 

Take a moment to write your short message opposing these increases. Commissioners want to see personalized messages, not boilerplate language, so feel free to draft from our points below or draw from your own experiences with Georgia Power. (Your message will be part of the public docket on this rate case).

  •   I oppose the 80 percent increase in Georgia Power’s fixed monthly fee. I shouldn’t pay $300 a year before I even use any electricity.
  •   I believe monthly fixed fees are simply a way for Georgia Power to increase profits, and they do nothing to encourage customers to conserve energy.   
  •   I don’t have room in my budget to pay $17.95 a month in fixed fees. Commissioners should reject this fee hike, and make it easier for consumers to save energy and money, not harder.